Time Management and Commitment is important; Lawrance

UPNG Manus students association Updates.

By Gregory Wesley

The Chances of making it into a tertiary institutions in Papua New guinea is very low especially when you attend a secondary school in the rural Papua New Guinea. 

For Lawrence Jelikawas a First year Information and Communications student  in the University of Papua new Guinea he had to put in the extra Work to secure his space in PNG's Premier University.

From Lorengau Manus Province Lawrence had to deal with with Peer pressure, low quality of education and financial issues and  his education at the same time.

When in grade 10 he learnt about time managment and commitment and when he went into year 11  lawrance know that he had to complete his assessments on time and being consistent with his performance.

" I was doing this so when i got my internal marks for year 11 a d 12 to make my selection into tertiary institutions i was happy"

Univeristy and the city was a totally different environment for him coming from a small Island province, he had to adapt to the new Learning environment and find his place.

" My challenge at the beginning of the academic year was to overcome the mindset of giving up in school, having this challenge in mind i decided to manage my time properly, setting my priorities right which includes finishing my assignments on time and study for my tests, "Lawrence said

With the struggles he faced in semester one he also uses this as a learning experience

As a young adult he learnt that he had to control is mindset and to never give as as road to success is not an easy path.

For Lawrence information communication science was not what was on his mind when in secondary school.

"When in high school i wanted to go to the University of technology to study applied science, but i was unable to because of my subject combination in high school"

" The course I'm studying now was a last-minute choice,"he said

Despite this young Lawrance has fell in love with the course learning about data Management. 

" The course i am studying is really good because i had to learn about data managment and data organising whixh is related to computer science with i am finding interesting, “he said

With all of Lawrence's Challenges and difficulty with his academics and personnel struggle he knows that God is going to help him and take care of his burdens and that is the one thing that keepa him motivated and going.

Lawrance said he is ready to take on the challenges that comes his way for the next 3 years in thw University.







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