MSA Cancels End of year function..

UPNG Manus students association Updates.

By Gregory Wesley

The Manus student’s association has cancelled its annual end of year function.

According to the executives the function was cancelled due to the academic workload.

"End of year function was unfortunately cancelled because the executives were too tied up with their work, timing were off, hence we had to cancel".

Expressing their disappointment for the cancellation the executives said they are focusing on the end of year project which will serve the majority.

"It was sad that we didn't host the function, but it was for the best, not everyone will agree with our decisions, but we had to make the tough call," the Executive said.

Meanwhile the association's president Deadrah Polomon while clearing the air on the members doubt on what the association has been doing for this year, said the executives had to keep things low before anything could be confirmed.

"The thing is a lot of our members think we are not doing anything but as you can see, we have done quite a number of good things."

" We didn't make it public as we were still doing the groundwork, I didn’t want to rush into things and not have them eventuate.

" Kina Grant was approved a month ago, Chauka ya and leliu had pledge to donate however we didn't make mention until we sort all arrangements “Ms Polomon said.

While clearing doubts Ms Polomon expressed her disappointment of student’s participation.

"I am disappointment in the lack of participation of the members, like i have emphasized before the executives do not make up MSA all the members do, we just spearhead it, therefore we all need to work together to reach our common goal, “he said.

The association is looking forward for the Project delivery that will be carried. out on early November.









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