MSA Forms Union with sister groups

UPNG Manus students association Updates.

By Gregory Wesley

With the aim to foster and strengthen relationship with other student groups Manus students association in the University of Papua New Guinea Have form a Union with student group from other Niu Guinea Islands region in the Campus.

The Union includes the Bougainville student’s association, West New Britain students’ association, Manus students association and the New Ireland students association.

According to the five presidents of the associations this relationship is important to help keep in tact the five provincial groups towards achieving their goals.

“The purpose of forming the Union was to strengthen and foster relationship between the five provincial associations in a collaborative effort to signify effort to signify the bond between the region as we work towards delivering our respective annual projects,” they said.

Talks to form a Union was made in 2022 by the executives at that time unfortunately due to lack of proper planning things did not turn out well.

Leaning from last year’s mistake the 2023 presidents decided to use this as a lesson forming the Union informally this year, a constitution draft is still underway.

So far, the five associations have successfully hosted the NGI showcase Nait, Wasolwara Night, and the Wansolwara funday.

The formation of the union has since received positive feedback from students with each has a story to tell of the impact, Doris Poyenou a fourth-year student shares her experience with us.

“With this collaboration I personally came to know many students by participating in the events organized by the five groups, example the movie night and showcase night,” Doris said.

The five provinces are looking forward to working collaboratively to achieve their goals for this year and the coming years.






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